Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Obsessions—Music is Art

If you know me at all you would know that I have a bit of an obsession with music.  In fact, music is most likely the reason I live where I live, I studied what I studied, and I teach what I teach.

The reality is that I spend far too much time scouring the web and the local weekly papers for great music.  There is so much amazing music available to us, and I, as a true American, have felt the need to own the good stuff.  If you saw my external hard drive’s music selection, you would either be impressed or disgusted. 

A little piece of me thinks that the ownership part of it all is a little bit overwhelming.  The reality is that just about any music that has been recorded in the last 60 years can be heard for free on the internet in a number of different places.  And if I really want to experience music in its purest form I should go see it live.  I do, but I also love to collect it. 

I thought I would share some music that I have been listening to lately.  I will link all of the songs so that you can listen to these artists and possibly buy the music for yourself. 

I chose to write about this because I truly believe that music is a high art, if not the highest of art forms.  Last night I went to a local record store, Music Millennium and listened to Laura Gibson give a beautiful in-store performance.  She was performing with Ethan Rose who I hadn't heard of and I was sufficiently blown away.  Her first album was touted by Sufjan Stevens and included some beautiful melodies and folk style songs.

The music she performed was closer to Avant Garde art than it was to folk.  Her and Ethan used a computer, a uke, an electric guitar, and a keyboard to create some ethereal sounds that I never would have expected.  At the end Ethan played the electric guitar with a violin bow and they looped vocals together to create an incredible mishmash of sounds. 

It was extremely interesting and titillating music. It reminded me that Music is art and that much of today’s “indie rock”  is pushing the boundaries of what music truly is.  Here is the entire album, I recommend putting on some tea and listening carefully.

Another album that just came out that I am really excieted about that I recently had a chance to listen to was Spoon’s new album, Transference.  I listened to an interview with them and am excited to expierience this album.  Some of it was recorded in Portland in one of the band member’s basements.  I really like the first song.  It is withheld and distant, yet you can feel the rest of the album barreling behind it.

I just finished listening to The David Rawlings Machine on NPR music.  They recorded a tiny desk concert that I think deserves a listen.  David Rawlings is Gillian Welch’s musical collaborator.  They worked together on this album.  The harmony that both of their voices create sounds like it is from another time. 

Here is the tiny desk concert

and at you can listen to them do a cover of Neil Young’s Cortez the killer, that would make Neil jealous.

I also went to an album leaf concert last Friday and was impressed with the opening band seawolf.  They put on a great live show although their album leaves something to be desired. 

The Album Leaf was good, but not hugely exciting for a live show. 

Now you know what I’ve been listening to, do you have any recommendations or comments?  Please let me know.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Pieces of Who We Are—II Meghan

I guess I didn't make it totally clear in the first post that this would be a series.  I may post a few people at a time, but they will be spread out over a few weeks.  I also really want to get some more input from others.  Please email me or comment with your passions and or things that you truly enjoy doing. 


Last summer, Meghan and I went on a little road trip to visit the Northwest and decide whether Portland was going to work as our new home.  Along the way I came up with a plan to meet and interview people who we met in different places. 

In our searches for new jobs and a new way to live in an economic crisis, I wanted to see what makes people tick, and really where their passions lie. 

The plan didn't materialize quite as well as I thought it might, mainly because there just wasn't enough time to stop in little towns along the way and talk to people.  Also as an interviewer, one must develop a certain amount of trust with the interviewee, especially when discussing something as intimate and private as “passion.”

Even though it didn't work exactly as I would have hoped, I did start the project with a few friends and family members.  I plan to interview more people over the next few months and encourage my readers to explore their passions and possibly send them my way.


Here are a few responses from people I talked to:

 IMG_6726 Meghan is my dear partner and girlfriend who has been with me through the last 7 years.  Both of us came to Portland under somewhat dire circumstances.  And both of us have struggled within this new economy that we are all living in. 

Meghan has an amazing amount of patience and because of this patience she has supported me during our transition and recently taken on a new job with Metropolitan Family Services.

In college, she was on the pathway to become an English teacher, but after watching me go through the credential program and being involved in the education system herself, she realized that teaching wouldn't fulfill her professional needs.  She felt as if the education system doesn't leave any room for one on one relationships between adults and students, and it is too focused on a specific outcome not a humanistic, holistic outcome. 

She has since been involved in different community organizations, non-profits, and parks and recreation programs.  She dives into work head first and does a great job at it.  With the economy the way it is, we have seen non-profit organizations struggle, and she has been searching for a niche that fits her needs.  We both hope that her new job is able to fill that. 

Her response was also in the form of a list:

Down Vests/ Hot Showers/ Making things with my hands/ Green Tea/ Collages/ Cupcakes/ laughing with my mom/ Buying journals/ Sitting in the Sun/ Fresh Flowers/ Farmer’s Markets/ The “perfect bite” / My boyfriend on his good days/ Fountain Pepsi/ Walking on West Cliff Drive (Santa Cruz) Petting Dogs/ Yoga/ My Favorite Music/

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pieces of who we are- I

Last summer, Meghan and I went on a little road trip to visit the Northwest and decide whether Portland was going to work as our new home.  Along the way I came up with a plan to meet and interview people who we met in different places. 

In our searches for new jobs and a new way to live in an economic crisis, I wanted to see what makes people tick, and really where their passions lie. 

The plan didn't materialize quite as well as I thought it might, mainly because there just wasn't enough time to stop in little towns along the way and talk to people.  Also as an interviewer, one must develop a certain amount of trust with the interviewee, especially when discussing something as intimate and private as “passion.”

Even though it didn't work exactly as I would have hoped, I did start the project with a few friends and family members.  I plan to interview more people over the next few months and encourage my readers to explore their passions and possibly send them my way.

Here are a few responses from people I talked to:


Vanessa is a close friend that I went through the teaching credential program with.  She is an excellent high school English teacher, who has over the last four years of teaching made an incredible impact on her students but also questioned her place within the education system.

She had a difficult time thinking about what exactly it was that made her happy, but she was able to come up with some specific things that she truly enjoys.  And when she asked me the same question, I realized that it isn't easy to respond to.  Her response was in the form of a list:

Morning Espressosvanessa web




Farmer’s Markets

Yellow Sequined dresses


Holding my breath



Holding Hands


Monday, February 1, 2010

Memoirs of a Sweet Vidalia Onion

The mid-August Central Valley heat beat down on my empty windshield and all I could do was look ahead at the muddled pavement that directed my journey.

When I am cut, I make people cry; the layers of my life build upon each other like an unfortunate romantic novel being read in the summer. All around me I am buried between others who are exactly the same but I feel so alone and so different.

“Welcome to the real word,” bluntly repeated by my riding partner. The words rang in my ears

This could be the last day that I am able to sit with my vegetable brethren from here on out.

Looking at that open door all I can do is shuffle in discomfort. With movement I see three or four of my friends bound listlessly from the sedentary pile. They scream with glee.

I don’t think my escape will be quite as gratifying

-I Found this in an old notebook, thought it was interesting