Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Public Option (double political entry day)

Moveon.org sent me this video and it tugged a few heart strings with  me. 

Its called “We cant afford to wait”  and its a collaboration between REM and Moveon.  I of course am highly influenced by music, so this really brought the current issue to the forefront for me.  But I am also a newly uninsured American with my unemployment lurking over me. 

As much as people believe that health care will be ruined if it is made public, and that it will cost everyone else more money in taxes, I believe that it will have its challenges, but the reality will be less b.s., and more accessible care.  The current system is out of control, and I hope it changes, for the people in this video, and for my family an friends who cant afford health care…me included.

Lets work together to support this change.

Educational Propaganda

With all of the Uproar around Obama’s speech.  I was hoping for a little bit more edge on his topics.  I thought he might quote Karl Marx or raise his fist in solidarity with the Black Panthers,  but to no avail.  He was appropriate, straightforward and had some basic unbiased points for all students.



I even think that some of his points veered away from what conservatives were hoping he would say.   He re-iterated the American “pull ourselves up by our bootstraps”  ideal, which to me, is a bit of a farce, but so be it, watch and think for yourself, write what you think in comments.